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Aug 29, 2019

That night changed the course of my life. It changed the idea of what I wanted to do with influence.

Aug 21, 2019

One of the keys to battling depression is exploring the willingness to open up, be honest, and confront your demons together while understanding it is a very personal battle overall. Listen in as my friend JB and I dive deep into the topic of depression, covering politics, personal struggles, and our overall philosophy...

Aug 19, 2019

14,506 ft in the sky, the highest point in the lower 48. This is the story of the time we attempted Mt Whitney.

Aug 9, 2019

What is a relationship without trust? What is friendship without trust? Listen to us navigate the difficult landscape of Trust Issues. Learn how to build trust, regain trust, and set the necessary boundaries to help trust flourish. Join Carolina He and I as we shoot the shit and explore the topic of Trust in depth.

Aug 1, 2019

Get an intimate look into the life of Faisal Imami, the host of the One Word One Hour Podcast, an Afghani-American who is pushing toward a career in comedy while persevering through the struggles that we all face on the daily.